Luma + eClinicalWorks (Server-Based)

Actionable Reminders

If you have any questions about these product specifications, please reach out to 

Luma automatically sends patients reminders about their upcoming appointments with your organization. When a patient has an upcoming appointment, Luma sends them customizable reminders to help reduce no-shows and ensure that providers see their patients on time.

The functionality described in this document is native functionality available within Luma. Any functionality or capabilities that your organization might want or need that isn’t outlined here may be subject to a Statement of Work. For more information, refer to the Statement of Work document. 

Core Functionality 

These features are on by default in your Luma account. Some of these features can optionally be configured based on your organization’s needs.

Send Reminders to Patients

Feature Description
Send appointment reminders to patients on a regular cadence Luma sends reminder messages to patients on a regular cadence ahead of a scheduled appointment. Optionally, your organization can configure this cadence to match your preferences.
Allow patients to respond to reminders to confirm or cancel appointments Patients can reply to all appointment reminders to confirm or cancel their appointment. Optionally, your organization can choose to only allow patients to respond when confirming an appointment, or to not allow any responses to reminder messages at all.
Add a customized link to an appointment reminder so patients can open appointment details in the Patient App Include a customized link on appointment reminders that opens the appointment detail page in the Patient App. From here, patients can take action on the appointment depending on your account’s configuration.
Determine which appointments are returned in an appointment list squiggly When a user at your organization adds an appointment list squiggly such as appointmentsListInDay to a message, the squiggly returns all upcoming appointments for a given day. Optionally, configure Luma so that appointments are returned by the squiggly only if all the related resources for that appointment have Reminders enabled. 
Send a final reminder Select whether Luma should send a final reminder when a patient has confirmed their appointment. If the patient has already confirmed or has taken no action on previous reminders, they still receive this reminder. 
Retry sending a message when Luma cannot deliver an SMS to a patient When Luma Health cannot deliver an SMS message to a patient, another attempt is made to the same phone number. 
Determine when a cancellation is considered a no-show  When a patient cancels their appointment, Luma Health considers them to be a no-show and sends them a message letting them know the appointment has been canceled and that the patient might be subject to a cancellation fee. If your organization has a different no-show policy, you can configure your account so that patients are considered no-shows only when they cancel within a certain amount of time.
Send a scheduled reminder immediately Users can manually force Luma to send a reminder message as needed.

Manage Cadences and Delivery Rules

Feature Description
Configure working hours Configure the the earliest hour of the day that Luma Health can start communicating with your patients. 
Configure quiet hours Configure the hours between which Luma will not send any reminders.
Don’t send messages on holidays If a reminder is scheduled to be sent on a holiday, Luma Health attempts to reschedule to a different day before the original appointment date. If Luma Health cannot reschedule the reminder, it is skipped. Optionally, you can configure Luma to send messages on holidays.
Configure schedulable windows for certain message templates Configure your Luma account to send messages with certain message templates during designated windows of time. 
Configure blackout rules Luma’s blackout rules prevent patients from receiving multiple messages of the same type too close together, improving the patient experience. When attempting to send a patient a message, Luma checks if the message template, contact method, and patient first name match a previous message sent. If a message matches these criteria, and the blackout period is still active, the new message isn’t sent. 

Leverage Message Templates

If your organization integrates Luma with your EHR, then Luma can send patients automatic reminders about the time, provider, and location of their appointment. Patients can then engage with reminder messages that require a response, such as reminders that ask a patient to confirm or cancel an appointment. 

Each template can have up to three formats: SMS, Voice, and Email. Each format is stored separately, making it possible to customize a single template in different ways depending on how the patient will experience the message in the template.

Feature  Description
Send messages using pre-written standard message templates Use pre-written, standardized message templates to send reminder messages to patients. Luma provides these message templates in English, as well as over 30 additional languages.
Create message template partials Use message template partials to easily add repeating content in different message templates, which can then be maintained and updated from a single source location. 
Review and restore older versions of a system template View a message’s version history if the message has been edited at least once, and revert the template to a previous version if needed.
Maintain a message library The Message Library stores saved message shortcuts that users can access in Broadcasts or the Hub. 
Use squigglies to personalize reminder messages Use squiggly placeholders in your messages to automatically pull in personalized information, such as appointment date and time, for each message sent to each individual patient. 
Add special instructions to an appointment type, facility, or provider  All Practice Resources have a Special Instructions field that makes it possible to include specific instructions for that particular resource when sending an appointment reminder to a patient. A dedicated squiggly pulls the special instructions into the appointment reminder sent to the patient. Special instructions can be added to email, voice, and SMS message templates. 

Manage Reminders for Multiple Appointments in a Day

Feature Description
Manage how many reminders are sent for a day with multiple appointments For patients with multiple appointments in a day, Luma sends a reminder only for the first appointment of the day. Optionally, your organization can choose to send reminders for all appointments in the day. 
Allow a patient’s confirmation or cancellation of the first appointment of the day to apply to all appointments When a patient receives only a single reminder for a day with multiple appointments, a patient’s response to a reminder message applies only to the individual appointment that reminder message refers to.

Optionally, you can configure your account to allow the patient response to apply to the rest of the appointments for the day, as well.  

Send reminders for each appointment for a patient with multiple appointments in a day If your organization wants a patient to receive a link for each appointment in a day with multiple appointments, you can send reminders for every appointment rather than only the first appointment of the day. That way, in each reminder message, the patient receives a unique URL that allows them to access the details page for that particular appointment and take action. 

Confirm and Cancel Appointments

Feature Description
Confirm an Appointment Patients can use a variety of affirmative keywords to confirm an upcoming appointment through a reminder message. 

After an appointment is confirmed, Luma will skip all subsequent reminders other than the final message by default. Optionally, configure Luma to skip all further reminders after an appointment has been confirmed by the patient.

Cancel an Appointment Patients can use a variety of keywords to cancel an upcoming appointment through a reminder message. 
Multiple appointments scheduled for the same day.  For patients who have multiple appointments scheduled in a single day, or for patients who manage multiple appointments for dependents this allows them to take action on their upcoming appointments. Patients can also confirm or cancel upcoming appointments directly in the Patient App using the Appointment Management feature.
Allow patients to confirm an appointment after canceling it  Patients can’t confirm an appointment through SMS if that appointment was previously canceled. Optionally, you can give patients the ability to confirm an appointment that they previously canceled.
Allow patients to cancel an appointment after confirming it  Patients can cancel an appointment after previously confirming it through a reminder message. Optionally, you can disable this feature.

Manage Contacts

Feature Description
Contact Methods Your organization can select the contact methods you want to enable for your account. Patients can receive messages only if they have contact information that matches the selected contact methods. By default, voice, SMS, and email methods are selected. If your organization uses Patient Scheduling, SMS is required.
Updating Contact Preferences Luma Health can confirm with cell phone carriers whether a patient’s phone number is a mobile number or a landline. If Luma Health finds a cell phone improperly marked as a home phone, it automatically updates the label.
Manually change a patient’s preferred contact method Luma Health syncs patient contact information from your EHR on a nightly basis, which helps ensure that any changes to a contact information are quickly updated in Luma Health. Sometimes, you might need to send a message to a patient using the patient’s updated contact information before the nightly sync. In this case, you can manually update a patient’s contact information directly in the Patient Profile.

Luma Health always looks to your EHR or PM system as the source of truth for patient profile information. Any manual changes made to the contact methods in a patient’s profile are overwritten during the nightly sync.

Identify family members with shared contact information If you have multiple family members as patients at your organization, and those patients share contact information, you can use message templates to help differentiate between those patients. 
Determine Whether a Message Is Sent to a Patient’s Inactive Contact Method  When you configure your Luma Health account, you determine which contact methods your account will use to send messages to patients. For example, you might want to only contact patients by email and SMS, so you can enable only those two contact methods. A patient’s profile can have contact methods on file that aren’t enabled in your system. 
Download a List of Patients with Invalid Contacts Keep track of patients who need to provide updated contact information by downloading a list of profiles that have invalid contacts.
Limited contacts Allow Luma Health to contact only certain phone numbers or email addresses in an account. This feature is often used for testing purposes.
Block Luma Health from Contacting Certain Phone Numbers or Emails  Sometimes, you might not want Luma Health to send a message to a particular phone number or email. For example, you might want to exclude a staff member’s phone number from being contacted in a test account. You can do this by adding that phone number to the list of blocked contacts in your account.
Manage the Do Not Contact list Your organization can enter any phone numbers or email addresses that Luma Health should never contact. When a value is listed in this field, Luma Health never contacts a patient using that specific phone number or email address.
Download the Do Not Contact (DNC) list Staff can download a list of all the patients who are currently on the Do Not Contact list. 
Locate the number a message was sent from While staff can manually remove patients from the list, patients must respond to the same number where they previously opted out to restart communications. If patients aren’t sure which number they originally responded to when opting out, staff can locate the number in your Luma account.
Manually add or remove a patient from the Do Not Contact list Staff can manually add or remove a patient from the Do Not Contact list. Note that staff can only remove patients from the Do Not Contact list if the patient was put on the list manually by staff. If a patient is on the Do Not Contact list because they responded to a Luma communication with a request to stop messages, the patient must respond to the same phone number to re-initiate messages. 

Manage Reminder Retries

Feature Description
Retry sending messages over the same channel when Luma cannot send a message Single channel retries are available only for SMS messages. By default, when Luma Health cannot deliver an SMS message to a patient, another attempt is automatically made to the same phone number. 
Retry sending messages over different channels when Luma cannot send a message When your organization uses OmniChannel Retries, Luma Health can try sending a message to a different contact method on a patient’s profile when the first attempt isn’t successful. For example, let’s say Luma Health sends an SMS message to a patient, but receives an error code from the phone carrier indicating the phone number is no longer valid. With OmniChannel Retries, Luma Health can try to send a message to the patient again, but this time via email.
Give patients control over their communication preferences Patients can access notification settings in the Patient App and decide how they want to receive different types of notifications for message changes such as broadcasts, referrals, reminders, and more.

Send Catch-Up Reminders

Feature Description
Send Catch-Up Reminders When Luma Health can’t send a reminder to a patient following the normal reminder cadence, it sends a catch-up reminder. By default, Luma Health sends appointment reminders seven, five, and two days before an appointment. Catch up reminders are sent when an appointment is scheduled outside of this appointment reminder window, helping to ensure the patient receives at least one reminder for their appointment. Catch up reminders are sent only if the final reminder of the cadence is missed.
Disable Catch-Up Reminders when forcing reminders at a specific time If your organization forces reminders to be sent at a specific time, you can disabling catch-up reminders so that Luma always sends reminders at the time you’ve chosen.

Track Message Deliverability

Feature Description
Messaging Activity Dashboard for tracking message deliverability.
Last Sent Messages See the latest messages sent to patients.
Last Undelivered Messages See all messages that couldn’t be successfully delivered to patients. 
Last Patient Responses See the most recent responses from patients.
Next Reminders See the next reminders that are scheduled to be sent out.
Standard reporting Use standard reports available from Luma to understand your patient population’s referral experience.

Luma Health Message Content Policy

Luma Health’s content policy helps ensure that all content sent using Luma Health messaging tools is compliant with the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA). Under the TCPA, healthcare organizations can deliver messages to patients and consumers if the messages comply with HIPAA and TCPA guidelines. For more details on these TCPA guidelines, refer to this article by

Luma Health does not permit the use of Luma Health messaging tools, including broadcast and reminder messages, for any promotional or vulgar content, in accordance with the Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991.

Messages containing the following symbols, words, or similar words, are considered to include prohibited content, and may automatically be blocked from being sent to patients. Luma Health reserves the right to update this list at any time. This list is not exclusive, and does not absolve any responsibilities under the TCPA or your organization’s contract with Luma Health.

Messages containing these following symbols, words, or similar words may be considered to be prohibited content unless specific patient consent and content specific communication campaigns have been set up in your account.

  • $
  • Dollar

Any other obvious offensive, exploitative, excessive is also prohibited without exceptions. Certain promotional or marketing language may be prohibited unless specific patient consent and content specific communication campaigns have been set up in your account. 

Additional Configurable Functionality

The following features are off by default in a Luma account and can be configured for organizations that would benefit from these features.

Feature Feature definition
Allow patients to confirm past appointments Configure Luma Health to update a past appointment in your EHR if a patient responds to a reminder message with a confirmation after the appointment occurs. 
Block reminders from being sent to patients for upcoming appointments You can block reminders for an appointment until you manually unblock reminders. 
Reschedule messages that would have been sent on Sunday Reschedule any reminders that would have been sent on a Sunday to be sent on the preceding Saturday at the exact same time.
Determine whether messages scheduled in the past should be sent immediately or not at all If an appointment is scheduled less than 24 hours before the appointment time, by default, Luma Health doesn’t send the message generated by the custom action. If your organization prefers that Luma Health send the message immediately, rather than not at all, you can configure your system to do so.
Allow patients to cancel or confirm all appointments in a multi-appointment day through a single cancellation or confirmation For patients who have multiple appointments in a single day, you can make it easy for them to quickly confirm or cancel all their appointments based on their response to a single appointment for the day. When you configure this feature, a patient can confirm or cancel a single appointment, and that response applies to all appointments for the day. 
Allow patients to cancel or confirm all appointments in a multi-appointment day through a single cancellation or confirmation For patients who have multiple appointments in a single day, you can allow them to confirm or cancel a single appointment, and that response applies to all appointments for the day. 
In multi-appointment reminders, exclude appointments with reminders disabled  You can configure whether an appointment list squiggly shows all appointments scheduled for that patient, or only appointments for which reminders are enabled for all related facilities, providers, and appointment types.
Forward inbound calls from reminder messages to the appropriate facility phone number Configure your account so that when patients call the toll-free number they received a reminder message from, their call is forwarded to the phone number of the facility related to the reminder message.
Require patients to reply to reminders only with yes and no Luma Health can recognize variations of the keywords Yes and No when a patient responds to a reminder message to confirm or cancel an appointment. Optionally, you can configure Luma so that patients can reply only with the words Yes or No to confirm or cancel an appointment.
Configure Luma to message multiple campaign numbers at once  You can Luma so that, when Luma sends a message to a patient’s preferred contact method, it sends the message to all contacts for that method. 
Determine the types of reminder responses allowed and how they impact subsequent reminders Determine how patients are able to respond to appointment reminders in the days leading up to the patient’s appointment. By default, patients can reply to all appointment reminders to confirm or cancel their appointment.
Send subsequent reminders as voice rather than SMS Configure Luma so that if a patient doesn’t respond to an initial appointment reminder sent via SMS, subsequent reminders are sent as voice messages.
Send catch-up reminders during your schedulable window  By default, catch-up reminders are sent at 9 AM and 6 PM. If these hours occur outside of your schedulable window, Luma doesn’t send the catch-up reminders. To avoid this situation, configure Luma to use the hours in your Schedulable Window settings as guidelines on when to send catch-up reminders.
Reload patient demographic information before sending a reminder  Configure Luma to always reload patient demographic information before Luma sends them a reminder.
Prevent patients from canceling appointments after the start time  To help ensure your EHR reflects the most appropriate appointment status, you can prevent patients from replying to a reminder to cancel their appointment after the start time has passed. 


Ask patients which message they are replying to When a patient has multiple messages waiting for replies in their patient chat, you can have Luma ask the patient to specify which message they’re replying to. 
Configure a custom action for a patient’s first appointment of the day Configure a custom action that sends patients with multiple appointments in a day a single message regarding only their first appointment.
Determine whether patients can confirm or cancel hidden appointment types for a multi-appointment day  If your account is configured to allow patients to cancel or confirm all appointments in a multi-appointment day through canceling or confirming a single appointment, you can further configure your account to specify whether the cancellation or confirmation applies to appointments with a hidden appointment type. 

Training and Documentation Materials

Feature Feature definition
Help Center The Help Center is Luma’s online library for self-service support content. Users can access the Help Center directly from within their Luma account. From within the Help Center, users can submit tickets to Luma Support for additional assistance.
Luma U Luma U is your home for Luma education. There are two learning tracks in Luma U – one for sub-account users and one for managers and administrators. Users can access Luma U directly from within their Luma account.


EHR Configurations

Feature Feature definition
Support custom language preferences Enable Luma to read language preferences from eClinicalWorks’ preferred name field when standard language codes are unavailable in your EHR configuration.
Map EHR appointment status codes to Luma  Enable Luma to interpret EHR appointment statuses by mapping confirmed statuses, cancelled statuses, and arrived statuses, with support for additional custom status values.
Import EHR appointment statuses Enable automatic status mapping between your EHR system and Luma to maintain synchronized appointment states. The system maps confirmation, cancellation, and arrival status codes from your EHR to corresponding states in Luma. This includes block recognition and supports custom status mapping configurations to match your specific EHR workflow.
Configure no-show status handling Define the specific status values Luma uses when updating canceled appointments in your EHR system.
Process confirmed appointment statuses Enable Luma to recognize specific EHR status codes as confirmed appointments during the synchronization process. The system requires exact status code values without additional descriptors or parenthetical notes.
Process canceled appointment statuses Enable Luma to recognize specific EHR status codes as canceled appointments during the synchronization process. The system requires exact status code values without additional descriptors or parenthetical notes.
Process no-show appointment statuses Enable Luma to recognize specific EHR status codes as no-show appointments during synchronization. The system requires exact status code values without additional descriptors and will display these as no-shows in appointment details.
Process deleted appointment statuses Enable Luma to recognize specific EHR status codes as deleted appointments during synchronization. The system requires exact status code values without additional descriptors and will remove these appointments from Luma.
Process unconfirmed appointment statuses Enable Luma to recognize specific EHR status codes as unconfirmed appointments during synchronization. The system requires exact status code values without additional descriptors.
Push cancellation status values Define the specific status value Luma uses when pushing canceled appointments to your EHR system. The system requires exact status code values without additional descriptors.
Push confirmation status values Define the specific status value Luma uses when pushing confirmed appointments to your EHR system. The system requires exact status code values without additional descriptors.
Respect EHR opt-out settings Enable Luma to honor patient communication preferences set in your EHR system. When enabled, patients with the opt-out flag in your EHR will automatically be marked as Do Not Contact in Luma.
Import patient contact preferences Enable Luma to import specific contact method preferences from your EHR system. This setting uses text, voice, and email enabled flags to determine valid contact methods for each patient. The system validates mobile numbers before importing and can fall back to alternative contact methods based on preference settings.
Filter special characters in appointments Enable automatic filtering of non-ASCII and prohibited characters when creating appointments in ECW version 11.52 or higher. This setting ensures appointment data compatibility by removing unsupported characters from appointment fields.
Synchronize appointment status colors Enable proper status color mapping between Luma and your EHR system. This setting ensures that confirmation and cancellation status values pushed from Luma match your existing EHR status codes exactly, preventing the creation of duplicate status types with incorrect color assignments.

Broadcast Messaging

If you have any questions about these product specifications, please reach out to 

Luma Health makes it easy for organizations to send messages to a large group of patients at once. For example, an organization might need to message patients about a weather-related office closure, or contact a group of patients who all have the same upcoming procedure. Whatever the reason, staff can use broadcast messaging to quickly connect with patient populations via their preferred language and communication channel — all without having to manually call down a patient list.

The functionality described in this document is native functionality available within Luma. Any functionality or capabilities that your organization might want or need that isn’t outlined here may be subject to a Statement of Work. For more information, refer to the Statement of Work document. 

Core Functionality 

These features are on by default in your Luma account. Some of these features can optionally be configured based on your organization’s needs.

Send Broadcast Messages

If your organization integrates Luma with your EHR, then Luma can send broadcast messages to patients who are scheduled in your EHR and whose appointments have been synced into your Luma account. 

Please note that certain syncing methods, such as Secure File Transfer Protocol, may require a Statement of Work. For more information, refer to the Statement of Work document. 


Feature Description
Send broadcast messages to scheduled or uploaded patients Send broadcast messages to patients who already have a scheduled appointment, or upload a CSV file of patients to send a broadcast to.
Schedule a broadcast message Schedule a broadcast message to be delivered at a later time.
Choose the level of broadcast message security Send broadcast messages as secure or non-secure messages. A secure message, recommended for messages containing PHI, requires a patient to log into the Patient Portal to access the message content. Non-secure message content appears directly in SMS and email messages for patients.
Select patient contact preferences for sending a broadcast message When sending a broadcast to scheduled patients, choose whether broadcasts are sent only to patients’ active contacts, or to all contacts listed in a patient profile.

When sending a broadcast to patients from an uploaded CSV file, choose whether broadcasts are sent to all available contact methods included for each patient in the CSV file, or only to the primary contact method included for each patient in the CSV file.

Broadcast Review and Approval

Feature  Description
Require review for broadcasts sent by non-Admin and non-Manager users When a broadcast is sent by a staff member who isn’t an Administrator or Manager, the message must be reviewed before the broadcast is sent to patients. 
Create a message library for staff Create pre-written, pre-approved broadcast messages for staff to use when sending broadcasts.
Edit or cancel a scheduled broadcast Edit or cancel a scheduled broadcast message before it’s transmitted.
Broadcast Message Approval For broadcasts sent to more than 1,000 patients, Luma Support reviews the message for approval before transmission to help ensure the message is not unintentionally flagged as spam. 

Message Content Policy

Luma Health does not permit the use of Luma Health messaging tools, including broadcast and reminder messages, for any promotional or vulgar content, in accordance with the Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991. Messages containing the following symbols, words, or similar words, are considered to include prohibited content, and may automatically be blocked from being sent to patients. Luma Health reserves the right to update this list at any time. This list is not exclusive, and does not absolve any responsibilities under the TCPA or your organization’s contract with Luma Health.

  • %
  • Discount
  • Free
  • Gift
  • Giveaway
  • Percent
  • Promotion
  • Sale

Messages containing these following symbols, words, or similar words may be considered to be prohibited content unless specific patient consent and content specific communication campaigns have been set up in your account.

  • $
  • Dollar

Any other obvious offensive, exploitative, excessive is also prohibited without exceptions. Certain promotional or marketing language may be prohibited unless specific patient consent and content specific communication campaigns have been set up in your account. 

Customize Broadcast Messages

Feature  Description
Use squigglies to personalize broadcast messages Use squiggly placeholders in your messages to automatically pull in personalized information, such as appointment date and time, for each message sent to each individual patient. 
Add message overrides to accommodate channel and language customizations Customize the wording of a message based on the communication channel, or draft and send messages in a patient’s preferred language.
Use rich text formatting for email broadcast overrides Customize a broadcast message’s appearance by using rich text options to format email-based broadcast messages.

Monitor the Status of Broadcast Messages

Feature Description
Broadcast dashboard A dashboard summarizes all broadcast activity within your organization.
Access the list of broadcast recipients Download the recipient list or receive an emailed spreadsheet to further explore the details of a broadcast.

Additional Configurable Functionality

The following features are off by default in a Luma account and can be configured for organizations that would benefit from these features.

Feature Description
Stagger the dispatch of large broadcasts over time Stagger the rate at which broadcast messages are sent so that patients are contacted throughout the day rather than all at once. Messages can be staggered by hour or by minute.
Send managers notifications about pending broadcasts Notify managers that broadcasts are pending approval for quickly broadcast review turnaround time.
Use contact method to help identify patients for broadcast messages By default, Luma uses patient name and date of birth to identify patients for sending broadcast messages. For a more precise method of identifying patients, especially for organizations that tend to have multiple patients with the same name and date of birth, Luma can look up patients based on name, date of birth, and contact value (such as phone number) to help ensure broadcast messages are sent to the correct patient.

Training and Documentation Materials

Feature Feature definition
Help Center The Help Center is Luma’s online library for self-service support content. Users can access the Help Center directly from within their Luma account. From within the Help Center, users can submit tickets to Luma Support for additional assistance.
Luma U Luma U is your home for Luma education. There are two learning tracks in Luma U – one for sub-account users and one for managers and administrators. Users can access Luma U directly from within their Luma account.


Collaboration Hub

If you have any questions about these product specifications, please reach out to 

The Hub makes it easier for your organization to manage communication with individual patients. From the Hub, you can send patients messages, review message histories, review patient information, and consult with colleagues internally regarding patient needs. Luma shows a timestamp for when conversations in the Hub are closed, reopened, assigned, or reassigned, making it easy to track a patient’s messaging history with your organization.

The functionality described in this document is native functionality available within Luma. Any functionality or capabilities that your organization might want or need that isn’t outlined here may be subject to a Statement of Work. For more information, refer to the Statement of Work document. 

Core Functionality 

These features are on by default in your Luma account. Some of these features can optionally be configured based on your organization’s needs.

Send Messages to Patients

Feature  Description
Track patient conversations in chat queues Chat queues organize patient chats based on being assigned to the current user, other users, or needing assignment.
Send secure messages requiring patient authentication Send messages that patients can access only through the Patient App’s secure login system. This is especially useful for sending messages with PHI.
Send direct SMS and email messages Enable staff to send messages that patients can read directly in SMS or email without Patient App authentication.
Send pre-written messages using the Message Library Use templated messages from Message Library
Use squigglies to personalize message content Use squiggly placeholders in your messages to automatically pull in personalized information, such as appointment date and time, for each message sent to each individual patient. 
Include file attachments in secure messages Enable staff to attach and send files through the secure messaging system to patients.

Manage Patient Chats

Feature  Description
Access comprehensive patient information View patient login history, manage demographics, and access appointment and waitlist details through the Patient Details interface.
Filter chat content and conversations  Filter patient conversations by queue or filter individual chat message content.
Close active patient conversations Manually remove chats from active queues by marking them as closed.
Take bulk actions on patient chats Mark chats as unread or close chats in bulk.
Exchange internal team messages Share patient-specific notes and discussions with care team members through internal messages that remain invisible to patients.
Notify users with @ mentions Alert specific users or groups about internal messages using @ mentions, triggering automatic notifications.
Process unexpected patient replies Luma routes expected patient repliies to the Unassigned queue. Optionally, configure how long an unexpected patient message must be to reopen a closed patient chat.
Process messages from unregistered patients Handle incoming messages from new patients by assigning temporary identifiers until profiles are created.
Validate phone number types Luma automatically verifies and updates whether a phone number is a mobile or landline through carrier validation. If a cell phone number is improperly marked as a voice, Luma automatically updates the contact method to SMS.

Facility-Specific Chat Management

Feature  Description
Send messages from a selected facility Enable staff to associate outgoing patient messages with specific facilities in your organization.
Filter patient chats in the Hub based on associated facility Show patient chats only if they’re for patients in facilities that the user has access to based on the groups they’re part of.
Allow users to filter Hub messages by facility, group, or user Users can filter messages to show only messages the user has manually sent to the patient, all messages sent to the patient from the selected facilities, or all messages sent to the patient from the selected group.
Don’t require users to assign a facility to new hub messages By default, users must select an associated facility for each message they send a patient. Optionally, let staff send messages without an associated facility. 

Additional Configurable Functionality

The following features are off by default in a Luma account and can be configured for organizations that would benefit from these features.

Feature  Description
Determine how long a patient reply must be to open a closed chat Enable Luma to reopen closed chats based on a configurable minimum character count in patient replies, defaulting to 15 characters.
Delay sending messages to patients whose contact information is not updated Enable Luma to delay message delivery until patient contact information has been validated against your EHR within a specified timeframe.
Trigger custom actions to based on chat activities Enable Luma to trigger custom actions based on chat events, including unexpected messages, reopened chats, and specific keywords.
Reassign chats to the last person to send a message from the Hub  Enable Luma to assign chat ownership based on either the last message sender or most recent assignment, according to your workflow preferences.

Training and Documentation Materials

Feature Feature definition
Help Center The Help Center is Luma’s online library for self-service support content. Users can access the Help Center directly from within their Luma account. From within the Help Center, users can submit tickets to Luma Support for additional assistance.
Luma U Luma U is your home for Luma education. There are two learning tracks in Luma U – one for sub-account users and one for managers and administrators. Users can access Luma U directly from within their Luma account.


EHR Configurations

Feature Feature definition
Automatically copy patient chat logs into your EHR Copy outbound and inbound voice, email, and SMS messages into the appropriate patient’s profile in your EHR. 

Custom Messaging

If you have any questions about these product specifications, please reach out to 

Custom Messaging in Luma Health, also known as custom actions, allows users to automate messages based on specific triggers, such as appointments, recalls, procedures, diagnoses, or extra reminders. Each custom action can be customized in terms of timing, recipients, and content of the message.  Users can also override standard delivery rules and organize custom actions into groups for better management.

The functionality described in this document is native functionality available within Luma. Any functionality or capabilities that your organization might want or need that isn’t outlined here may be subject to a Statement of Work. For more information, refer to the Statement of Work document. 

Core Functionality 

These features are on by default in your Luma account. Some of these features can optionally be configured based on your organization’s needs.

If your organization integrates Luma with your EHR, then Luma can automatically sync in data related to your appointments, recalls, procedures, and diagnosis that can be used to trigger custom messaging to patients. Luma recommends this as a best practice.

Please note that certain syncing methods, such as Secure File Transfer Protocol, may require a Statement of Work. For more information, refer to the Statement of Work document. 


Feature  Description
Custom actions dashboard View all your custom actions in a table with the name, type, status, skipped delivery rules, date created with additional buttons to edit, delete or move to organize. 
Create a new custom action  Create new custom actions with customizable rules in your system that automate messaging based on specific criteria, allowing you to tailor the content, timing, and recipients from the Custom Actions dashboard. 
Send custom action messages to patients or staff Designate a custom action for delivery to patients or staff, depending on the use case for a given message.
Modify an existing custom action  Easily modify or update any setting in your custom messaging form the Custom Actions dashboard. 
Add a new custom action group Organize custom actions into groups for easier management.
Enable skip delivery rules Luma Health’s Delivery Rules ensure custom actions are sent at the appropriate time by preventing messages from being sent during quiet hours, holidays, Sundays, or within one hour of editing. Optionally, you can configure Luma to ignore these delivery rules.
Bulk edit custom actions Manually update a custom action’s status and delivery rules in bulk.
Use squigglies to personalize custom action messages Use squiggly placeholders in your messages to automatically pull in personalized information, such as appointment date and time, for each message sent to each individual patient. 
Standard reporting Use standard reports available from Luma to understand your patient population’s referral experience.

Additional Configurable Functionality

The following features are off by default in a Luma account and can be configured for organizations that would benefit from these features.

Custom Actions for Appointments

Feature Description
Title  Give your custom messaging custom action a personalized name to easily identify 
Configure Message  Create new actions to message a patient or notify staff. Use a combination of free-text and Luma’s Liquid logic templating language to create customized messaging. Option to select if the message contains PHI to send a secure message by default. 
Select Options  Additional options to optimize delivery for your needs including options to override delivery contact preferences (SMS< voice call, email), or send secure messages.  
Timing your message  Specify your custom message to be sent days, hours or minutes before or after appointment time 
Appointment Filters  Further customize to filter custom messaging to send by facility, provider, appt status or appt type. 
Preview reach  Based on custom action selections, you can preview the estimated patients (or staff) that match with criteria that the message would be sent out to.  

Custom Actions for Recalls

A recall is the next time you’d like to see a patient. If your EMR/PM system supports recalls, we will sync patients’ due dates, and you’ll be able to use them to build custom actions.

Feature Description
Title  Give your custom messaging custom action a personalized name to easily identify 
Configure a message  Create new action to message a patient. Use a combination of free-text and Luma’s Liquid logic templating language to create customized messaging. Option to select if the message contains PHI to send a secure message by default. 
Timing your message  Specify your custom message to be sent days, hours or minutes before or after recall due date
Recall filters  Further customize to filter custom messaging to send by facility, provider, or appt type. 
Preview reach  Based on custom action selections, you can preview the estimated patients that match with criteria that the message would be sent out to.  

Custom Actions for Procedures

Feature Description
Title  Give your custom messaging custom action a personalized name to easily identify 
Configure a message  Create new action to message a patient. Use a combination of free-text and Luma’s Liquid logic templating language to create customized messaging. Option to select if the message contains PHI to send a secure message by default. 
Timing your message  Specify your custom message to be sent days, hours or minutes after procedure date
Procedure filters  Further customize to filter custom messaging to send by CPT code.
Preview reach  Based on custom action selections, you can preview the estimated patients with future matches with criteria that the message would be sent out to.  

Custom Actions for Diagnostics

Feature Description
Title  Give your custom messaging custom action a personalized name to easily identify 
Configure a message  Create new action to message a patient. Use a combination of free-text and Luma’s Liquid logic templating language to create customized messaging. Option to select if the message contains PHI to send a secure message by default. 
Timing your message  Specify your custom message to be sent days, hours or minutes after a patient is diagnosed.
Procedure filters  Further customize to filter custom messaging to send by ICD-9 code or ICD-10 code. 
Preview reach  Based on custom action selections, you can preview the estimated patients with future matches with criteria that the message would be sent out to.  

Extra Reminders

Feature Description
Title  Give your custom messaging custom action a personalized name to easily identify 
Configure a message  Use one of your organization’s existing message templates to send an additional message to your patients. 
Timing your message  Specify your custom message to be sent days, hours or minutes before or after an appointment is created/updated or the appointment time. 
Procedure filters  Further customize to filter custom messaging to send by facility, provider, appt type, and appt status.
Preview reach  Based on custom action selections, you can preview the estimated patients with future matches with criteria that the message would be sent out to.  

Configurations Available through EHR Integration

Feature Feature definition
Practice Resources Enable custom actions for resources that are integrated via EHR for each resource type, appt type, facilities and providers 

Training and Documentation Materials

Feature Feature definition
Help Center The Help Center is Luma’s online library for self-service support content. Users can access the Help Center directly from within their Luma account. From within the Help Center, users can submit tickets to Luma Support for additional assistance.
Luma U Luma U is your home for Luma education. There are two learning tracks in Luma U – one for sub-account users and one for managers and administrators. Users can access Luma U directly from within their Luma account.


EHR Configurations

Feature Feature definition
Configure a message to patients based on the New PT checkbox in your EHR Configure Luma to send a message to patients whose appointments have the New PT checkbox selected in your EHR schedule. When Luma syncs in an appointment that has the checkbox selected, Luma automatically sends the associated patient the message you configured in the custom action. 
Configure actions in your account based on the Appointment Reason field  Configure Luma to use the value in the Appointment Reason field in your EHR to drive Luma sending messages based on certain values in that field.

Digital Forms

If you have any questions about these product specifications, please reach out to 

Digital Forms enables patients to complete and submit their paperwork electronically, either prior to their appointment or within the clinic. This digital approach reduces reliance on physical documents, increases data accuracy, and accelerates the check-in process, thereby enhancing operational efficiency and patient experience.

The functionality described in this document is native functionality available within Luma. Any functionality or capabilities that your organization might want or need that isn’t outlined here may be subject to a Statement of Work. For more information, refer to the Statement of Work document. 

Core Functionality 

These features are on by default in your Luma account. Some of these features can optionally be configured based on your organization’s needs.

Create and Manage Forms

Feature  Description
Dashboard Review a filterable dashboard for high-level information about forms in your account.
Create a form Use Luma’s Form Builder to create forms for your patients to fill out prior to their scheduled appointments. Use one of Luma’s pre-made templates to get started, or create a new form from scratch. Choose from over 25 available question types. Luma supports forms for pre-scheduling, intake, feedback, and consolidated clinical document architecture (CCDA). 
Create a bilingual form Luma supports forms in English, Spanish, and Portuguese. Patients can view the form in these languages, provided that your organization has built out translated versions of the form. If the patient switches to a language that the form hasn’t yet been built in, the form remains in English.
Send a form to a patient Use a squiggly to send forms to patients via messages in the Hub or messages generated from custom actions.
Use squigglies to personalize form questions Use squiggly placeholders in form text to automatically pull in personalized information, such as patient name, when a patient opens a form. 
Use a form to capture patients’ insurance information Prompt patients to upload images of the front and back of their insurance card. Luma extrapolates the information on the card and presents it to patients to review and verify before submitting it to your organization.
Manage forms’ internal status Staff can change a form’s internal status to track whether the form has already been reviewed.
Standard reporting Use standard reports available from Luma to understand your patient population’s referral experience.

Review Forms

In File Management, you can review and manage patient-submitted forms and insurance uploads in a single place. File Management is split into sections based on each file type.

Feature  Description
View and print completed forms  View and print completed forms from within the Patient Profile or File Management.
View insurance information n the Patient Profile View or add patient insurance information from their Luma profile.
Download forms Download an individual form or download multiple forms in bulk.

Appointment Checklist

The Appointment Checklist functionality streamlines the management of various forms required for patient intake, educational purposes, and consent. This feature enables the creation of detailed checklists, such as a New Patient Checklist, which can include multiple forms like demographics, insurance review, clinical intake, consent forms, and payment. Checklists can be configured to be dispatched according to appointment schedules, specific providers, appointment types and/or facilities, ensuring that patients receive the necessary forms in a timely and organized manner.

Please note that certain products, such as LumaPay, may require a Statement of Work. For more information, refer to the Statement of Work document. 


Feature  Description
Create an Appointment Checklist Link multiple digital forms within one checklist to create a streamlined experience for the patient. Appointment Checklists are set at the appointment type level. 
Review the Status of an Appointment Checklist From the Luma Dashboard, review the status of the patient’s appointment checklist
Hide Appointment Start Times Configure a facility’s appointment checklist confirmation page to show only an appointment’s scheduled date, without a time.

Additional Configurable Functionality

The following features are off by default in a Luma account and can be configured for organizations that would benefit from these features.

Manage Form Details

Feature  Description
Ask for insurance information prior to starting a form Give patients the option to submit their insurance information before completing the rest of the form.
Remind patients to finish incomplete forms Send patients a reminder if they haven’t completed the form 24 hours after having received the original message. 
Skip the welcome page on forms Configure forms to skip the welcome page and instead begin on the first question.
Hide patient names from the top of forms Configure Luma to hide the patient’s name from the top of forms. 
Disable staff chat at the end of completed forms When a patient completes a form in Luma Health, they see the option to begin a chat conversation with your staff. Optionally, you can disable this feature.
Make a form inactive Mark forms as inactive so they remain in your system but aren’t visible to patients or staff. 
Choose which language a completed form appears in When a patient completes a form in a language other than English, you can choose to have the completed form appear with both languages when users review it in Luma.
Hide a form’s progress bar Hide the progress bar that shows a patient’s progress as they complete a form. 

Configure Forms Questions

Feature  Description
Make all questions required Require a patient to fill out all questions in the form to advance or submit the form.
Show patient friendly names for procedures and vaccines in forms For CCDA forms, configure surgical and vaccination record questions to appear with patient-friendly input options.
Apply a scoring system to a form Apply a scoring system to a form as a means of assessing a patient prior to determining next steps in their care. 
Allow patients to choose none of the provided options or “other” when completing a form.  Add ‘None of the Above’ and ‘Other’ options to a multiple choice question.
Show and hide questions on a completed form Choose whether a particular question always appears on a completed form. 
Hide questions a patient didn’t see or didn’t answer in a form  Hide skipped and unanswered questions from a PDF version of a form.

Apply Your Branding to Forms

Feature  Description
Configure forms to show your organization’s branding Customize the colors and icons of all Luma links and forms, including the mobile insurance card capture form, to reflect your organization’s branding. 
Update Luma URLs to match your organization’s branding  Links created by Luma use default naming conventions that show Luma Health as the link’s origin. You can configure your account to personalize these links so they use your organization’s name instead. 

Training and Documentation Materials

Feature Feature definition
Help Center The Help Center is Luma’s online library for self-service support content. Users can access the Help Center directly from within their Luma account. From within the Help Center, users can submit tickets to Luma Support for additional assistance.
Luma U Luma U is your home for Luma education. There are two learning tracks in Luma U – one for sub-account users and one for managers and administrators. Users can access Luma U directly from within their Luma account.

EHR Configurations

Feature Feature definition
Configure a custodian ID for CCDA forms Configure Luma to send a custodian ID and contact information to the EHR when a patient completes an EHR form. 

EHR Integration for Forms

If you have any questions about these product specifications, please reach out to 

EHR integration for forms saves time for both patients and staff. When patients receive forms to fill out ahead of their appointment, certain fields are prepopulated with information that Luma synced and stored from your EHR or PM system. This prevents patients from having to enter the same information repeatedly. After a patient or user submits a form, the details in the form are automatically pushed back to your EHR or PM system, eliminating the need for staff to manually update patient information in those systems.

The functionality described in this document is native functionality available within Luma. Any functionality or capabilities that your organization might want or need that isn’t outlined here may be subject to a Statement of Work. For more information, refer to the Statement of Work document. 

Core Functionality 

These features are on by default in your Luma account. Some of these features can optionally be configured based on your organization’s needs.

If your organization integrates Luma with your EHR, then Luma can automatically pull and push data between your Luma account, patient forms, and your EHR or PM system.

Please note that certain syncing methods, such as Secure File Transfer Protocol, may require a Statement of Work. For more information, refer to the Statement of Work document. 


Feature  Description
Pull Information from Your EHR into Forms Form questions capture patient data such as demographic information, immunization history, and insurance details. These questions are mapped to fields in Luma patient profiles, so when a patient opens a form from your organization, certain information—like first name, last name, and date of birth—is automatically filled out. This prepopulated information is synced from your organization’s EHR or PM system and stored in the patient’s profile.
Push Information from Forms into Your EHR Form questions are mapped to fields in the EHR patient profile, ensuring that when a patient completes an integrated form, updated or new information—such as address or contact methods—is automatically written back into your organization’s EHR. This eliminates the need for staff to manually transfer demographic information from forms into the EHR.

Additional Configurable Functionality

The following features are off by default in a Luma account and can be configured for organizations that would benefit from these features.

Feature  Description
Allow staff to review integrated forms before sending them to your EHR or PM System On a per-question basis, require staff review of certain patient responses in a form before the information is sent back to the EHR. Staff can select which information should be synced back to the EHR. After these selections are confirmed, the form is synchronized with the EHR and remains in the Luma account in a read-only format. 

Training and Documentation Materials

Feature Feature definition
Help Center The Help Center is Luma’s online library for self-service support content. Users can access the Help Center directly from within their Luma account. From within the Help Center, users can submit tickets to Luma Support for additional assistance.
Luma U Luma U is your home for Luma education. There are two learning tracks in Luma U – one for sub-account users and one for managers and administrators. Users can access Luma U directly from within their Luma account.


EHR Configurations

Appointment Data

In additional to pushing and pulling data to and from the following fields, Luma can also pull open appointment times from eClinicalWorks (Server-Based) into your Luma account and create scheduled appointment in your eClinicalWorks (Server-Based) account.
Field Push from Luma to eClinicalWorks (Server-Based) Pull from eClinicalWorks (Server-Based) to Luma
Appointment status (cancellation, arrival)
Find open appointment times ---
Create appointment ---
Visit Type ---
Provider ---
Date and Time
General Notes/Notes
Diagnoses ---
Procedures ---
  • Code
  • Description
  • Verification status
  • Patient
Family History
  • Relationship to patient
  • Diagnosis
  • Date
  • Code
Social History
  • Smoking history
  • Alcohol use
  • Drug use
  • Execise
Surgical History
  • Surgery
  • Date
  • Code
Current Medications
  • Medication
  • Start date
  • Dose, Unit, Frequency (Luma updates medication notes)
Inbound Referrals ---
Recalls ---

Demographic Data

Field Push from Luma to eClinicalWorks (Server-Based) Pull from eClinicalWorks (Server-Based) to Luma
First name, middle name, last name (new patients)
First name, middle name, last name (allpatients) ---
Date of birth (new patients)
Date of birth (all patients) ---
Medical Record Number (MRN) ---
Suffix, Prefix
Sex assigned at birth
Preferred language
Marital Status
Address line 1, address line 2, city, state, ZIP code, country
Email, cell phone, home phone, work phone
Do Not Contact (DNC) - Patient Deceased ---
Gross income ---
Household size ---
Veteran status ---
Public housing ---
Homeless status (doubling up, street, homeless shelter, permanent supportive housing, transitional, other, unknown) ---

Insurance Data

Field Push from Luma to eClinicalWorks (Server-Based) Pull from eClinicalWorks (Server-Based) to Luma
Effective period

Hosted Communications

If you have any questions about these product specifications, please reach out to 

Hosted Communications allows you to communicate with patients with phone numbers and email domains they recognize. This means your outbound communications can reach patients via a recognizable number or email, improving response and engagement rates.

The functionality described in this document is native functionality available within Luma. Any functionality or capabilities that your organization might want or need that isn’t outlined here may be subject to a Statement of Work. For more information, refer to the Statement of Work document. 

Core Functionality 

These features are on by default in your Luma account. Some of these features can optionally be configured based on your organization’s needs.

Hosted SMS Communications

Feature  Description
Host an existing SMS number Providing a historical phone bill proving ownership of a given number, and signing a subsequent Letter of Authorization (LOA), will allow Luma to set up your number as an outbound line for product messaging.
Use a newly-created, local 10-digit outbound number In cases where an existing number is unable to be hosted, Luma can set up a new number using a local area code of your choosing. As long as numbers are still available for purchase in this area code, a new number (or multiple numbers if desired) will be created during the implementation process and assigned to your account.

Hosted Email Communications

By default, Luma sends emails from an address of You can choose to send emails instead from a domain name you already own and operate, lowering the possibility that your patients think an important healthcare email is spam. 
Feature Description
Hosting of an existing email domain By installing a set of Luma-provided DNS (Domain Name System) records, you can send any Luma-generated emails from a domain of your choosing, for example “”.
Email name and image You can change the sender’s name and image associated with Luma emails, so email messages to patients come from an easily recognizable and familiar contact.

Hosted Voice Communications

Feature Description
Caller ID setup When Luma messages patients via voice calls, a custom outbound number and caller ID can be set up to appear on the patient’s phone. This can help give patients confidence to pick up a call from a number they may not already have in their contacts.
Facility-specific caller IDs Unique caller IDs can be set up for individual appointment facilities, or a general caller ID can be used across facilities for a consistent communication experience.

Training and Documentation Materials

Feature Feature definition
Help Center The Help Center is Luma’s online library for self-service support content. Users can access the Help Center directly from within their Luma account. From within the Help Center, users can submit tickets to Luma Support for additional assistance.



If you have any questions about these product specifications, please reach out to 

Leverage your website and give patients more control over their healthcare journey with Luma Health’s LumaBot. When LumaBot is embedded on your website, patients can take action without having to call your office staff for assistance. That means patients spend less time on hold waiting to speak to someone, and office staff spend less time fielding the same questions throughout the day. LumaBot appears on websites as a floating action button that, when clicked, opens a widget where patients can engage with your clinic independently. Through LumaBot, patients can take actions such as scheduling appointments, registering as a new patient, and more, without picking up the phone to speak with your staff.

The functionality described in this document is native functionality available within Luma. Any functionality or capabilities that your organization might want or need that isn’t outlined here may be subject to a Statement of Work. For more information, refer to the Statement of Work document. 

Core Functionality 

These features are on by default in your Luma account. Some of these features can optionally be configured based on your organization’s needs.

LumaBot Settings 

Feature Description
Choose a custom avatar for LumaBot   Use a custom image for LumaBot’s avatar to match your organization’s branding.
Choose a custom name for your LumaBot  Customize LumaBot’s name to match your organization’s branding.
Customize LumaBot’s colors  Customize LumaBot’s appearance to match your organization’s branding and theme colors. 
Create a custom LumaBot welcome prompt when users visit your website Customize LumaBot’s welcome prompt to match your organization’s branding with a custom welcome message when users visit your website.
Leverage system chat flows  LumaBot comes with pre-saved message templates that guide the patient experience with commonly used flows. System flows are not editable.
Create custom chat flows  LumaBot comes with pre-saved message templates that guide the patient experience with commonly used flows. Custom flows are editable.
Customize default messages  Create custom messaging or update Luma’s pre-saved System & User-Created ChatFlow messages to personalize LumaBot to your organization.
Preview LumaBot on your website  View your organization’s LumaBot in real-time, along with any changes you make in Luma or on your website. 
Embed LumaBot on your organization’s website Use custom code to embed LumaBot on your organization’s website

System ChatFlows 

Feature  Description
Are you still there? Check in with the patient after 10 minutes of inactivity in LumaBot. Patients who already answered the Two-Factor Authentication question have 5 additional minutes to respond and take action. 
Connect with Staff Prompt the patient to fill out a contact form, which is sent to your staff in Hub.
End Conversation At the end of a completed flow, patients can choose to start a new experience, which sends them to the Welcome flow, or end their LumaBot experience, which sends the patient to the Feedback flow.
Feedback Give patients the opportunity to provide feedback on their LumaBot experience.
Session timeout If a patient doesn’t respond after receiving the Are you still there? chat flow, the session ends and the chat is stored in the Hub and the Patient Profile.
Welcome This flow welcomes the patient to the LumaBot experience and prompts them with different options to choose from.

User-Created ChatFlows 

Feature  Description
Ask a nurse When the patient chooses to speak with a nurse at your organization, LumaBot prompts the patient to fill out a contact form. The conversation is in a new or existing patient profile, and a new patient chat is opened in the Unassigned queue in the Hub.
Book an appointment For organizations that use Patient Scheduling+, when the patient chooses the option to schedule an appointment, LumaBot gathers the patient information and the patient selects an available upcoming appointment directly in LumaBot. 
COVID-19 Screening When a patient chooses the option to screen themselves for COVID-19, LumaBot prompts them with relevant questions that help the patient determine their best next steps.
Prescription Refill When a patient chooses the option to refill a prescription, LumaBot prompts the patient to answer relevant questions, and their refill request appears as an open chat request in the Unassigned queue in the Hub.

Training and Documentation Materials

Feature Feature definition
Help Center The Help Center is Luma’s online library for self-service support content. Users can access the Help Center directly from within their Luma account. From within the Help Center, users can submit tickets to Luma Support for additional assistance.
Luma U Luma U is your home for Luma education. There are two learning tracks in Luma U – one for sub-account users and one for managers and administrators. Users can access Luma U directly from within their Luma account.



If you have any questions about these product specifications, please reach out to 

With LumaPay, you can automate the copay collection process, request patient balance payments, review outstanding and complete patient transactions, and more. All payment information is gathered into one, central dashboard, making any manual check-ins that may be needed as painless as possible. Collection workflows are a hands-off, organized process, allowing staff more time to engage with in-clinic patients and relieving administration from the stress of tracking scattered payment information.

The functionality described in this document is native functionality available within Luma. Any functionality or capabilities that your organization might want or need that isn’t outlined here may be subject to a Statement of Work. For more information, refer to the Statement of Work document. 

Core Functionality 

These features are on by default in your Luma account. Some of these features can optionally be configured based on your organization’s needs.

Manage Patient Transactions

If your organization’s EHR supports integration with LumaPay, then Luma can dynamically sync in all necessary patient, appointment, balance, and copay information from your EHR into your account. If your organization’s EHR doesn’t support integration with LumaPay, you can use an unintegrated version of LumaPay. 

Please note that certain syncing methods, such as Secure File Transfer Protocol, may require a Statement of Work. For more information, refer to the Statement of Work document. 


Feature  Description
LumaPay dashboard Filter the dashboard to show transactions based on dates, amounts, billing items, and date paid.
Download a file of patient transactions Download an Excel file of patient transactions from your LumaPay dashboard. 
Audit a patient transaction Review all patient and staff actions regarding a certain transaction. Track the movement of funds through your account and locate any errors in processing or refunding them.
Review details and download a receipt for a patient transaction View additional details on the transaction’s amount, status, vendor, and authorization. Print a PDF copy of the transaction’s receipt to view the date, time, amount, status, and vendor information.
Refund a transaction Initiate a refund to a patient as needed.
Send a manual payment request to a patient Manually send a charge to a patient from the Hub or patient profile (dependent on provisioning). 
Collect payments within a form Add payment collection as a question in an intake form.
Update your organization’s LumaPay information Maintain a copy of your organization’s legal information, public-facing information, and management or ownership information.
Upload information for unintegrated accounts For EHRs that don’t integrate with Luma for LumaPay, utilize the Upload Center to manually upload all necessary patient, appointment, balance, and copay information from your EHR into your account.

Manage Payouts to Your Organization’s Bank Account

Feature Description
Review payout details for your organization Review your total balance, future payouts, and payouts currently in transit to your bank from a dedicated dashboard.
Filter your organization’s payouts to see pertinent transactions Apply filters to review only payouts that meet certain criteria, including amount, date, status, and method. 
Export a csv of payout information Export a CSV file of your recent payouts.

Training and Documentation Materials

Feature Description
Help Center The Help Center is Luma’s online library for self-service support

content. Users can access the Help Center directly from within their Luma account. From within the Help Center, users can submit tickets to Luma Support for additional assistance.

Luma U Luma U is your home for Luma education. There are two learning tracks in Luma U – one for sub-account users and one for managers and administrators. Users can access Luma U directly from within their Luma account.


If you have any questions about these product specifications, please reach out to 

With Outreach, Luma automatically sends patients reminders to schedule an appointment. Luma can track which patients have scheduled their appointments and whether the patient never followed up on an outreach reminder. Luma’s Outreach product automates the outreach process, saving staff time and acquiring new patients for your organization.

The functionality described in this document is native functionality available within Luma. Any functionality or capabilities that your organization might want or need that isn’t outlined here may be subject to a Statement of Work. For more information, refer to the Statement of Work document. 

Core Functionality 

These features are on by default in your Luma account. Some of these features can optionally be configured based on your organization’s needs.

Create and Modify Outreach

If your organization integrates Luma with your EHR, then Luma can regularly sync outreach details from your EHR into your Luma account. Luma recommends this as a best practice so that your staff doesn’t have to manually create and modify outreaches on a regular basis. Please note that certain syncing methods, such as Secure File Transfer Protocol, may require a Statement of Work. For more information, refer to the Statement of Work document. 


Feature  Description
Outreach dashboard Review a filterable dashboard for high-level information about outreaches.
Add a single inbound outreach Manually create an individual inbound outreach.
Modify a single inbound outreach’s status Manually change the status of an individual inbound outreach.
Add inbound outreaches via a bulk upload Manually create inbound outreaches in bulk by uploading a CSV file. 
Modify inbound outreach statuses in bulk Manually change the status of individual inbound outreach in bulk in your Luma account. Outreach status changes are not written back into your EHR.
Share an online patient outreach form with outreach providers Share an online form with external providers who refer patients to your organization so that outreach information appears directly in your Luma account for review and approval by your staff. 
Upload outreach providers in bulk With Luma Support, upload outreach providers into your Luma account so you don’t have to manually create each individual provider.

Send Outreach Reminders

Feature Description
Send outreach messages using pre-written standard message templates Use pre-written, standardized message templates to send outreach reminder messages to patients. Luma provides these message templates in English, as well as over 30 additional languages.
Automatically send outreach reminders to patients Luma automatically sends outreach reminders to patients based on a default cadence and during set daytime hours. Luma respects your quiet hours when sending outreach reminders, meaning Luma will not send a message during a designated quiet hour. 

You can optionally customize reminder delivery hours as well as the reminder cadence. You can also choose how many reminders Luma sends and whether Luma sends reminders on bank holidays. 

Automatically mark inbound outreaches as scheduled Luma automatically marks inbound outreaches as scheduled when the patient books their appointment. Luma determines whether an appointment was booked by reviewing your schedule. You can optionally configure how far in the future Luma looks to find booked appointments in your Schedule.

Manage Outreach

Feature Description
Automatically update an outreach’s status when a patient calls from a reminder When a patient receives an outreach reminder that includes a click-to-call phone number, meaning the patient can tap or click the phone number within the reminder to initiate a call to your organization, Luma automatically updates the outreach status to reflect that the patient called your organization as a result of receiving an outreach reminder.
Automatically mark an outreach as incomplete or expired When a patient doesn’t respond to Luma’s attempts to contact them to schedule an appointment, Luma automatically marks the outreach as incomplete after the final unsuccessful attempt. Optionally, you can delay the amount of time that passes before Luma marks an outreach as incomplete. 

Luma marks an outreach as expired when the date range to deliver outreach reminders for the outreach record has passed. Optionally, configure Luma to not mark these outreaches as expired.

Automatically detect existing patient profiles and match them to synced outreaches If you integrate your EHR with Luma, when an outreach is synced into your Luma account from your EHR, Luma checks to see if there are any existing patients that match the patient associated with the uploaded outreach. If a match is found, Luma associates the uploaded outreach with that patient. If a match is not found, Luma creates a new patient and associates the outreach to the new patient profile.
Standard reporting Use standard reports available from Luma to understand your patient population’s outreach experience.

Additional Configurable Functionality

The following features are off by default in a Luma account and can be configured for organizations that would benefit from these features.

Feature  Description
Reroute inbound outreach calls to a facility’s alternative phone number When a patient receives an outreach reminder message with a phone number, enable Luma to reroute the inbound call from the patient to the facility’s alternative phone number when dialed directly from the outreach reminder message. 
Mark outreaches as scheduled if scheduled with a different provider If a patient is scheduled with a different provider than indicated on the outreach, enable Luma to automatically mark the outreach as Scheduled.
Automatically fax updates to a outreach provider Enable Luma to automatically send faxed updates to outreach providers about their patient’s journey with your practice, such as when a patient schedules or cancels their outreach. You can also determine whether the patient’s communication history with your organization should be included in follow-up faxes. 
Stagger outreach messages throughout the day Configure Luma to stagger the initial outreach messages sent to patients throughout the day to reduce the number of calls that come into your front office simultaneously. You can also control how many outreach reminders Luma sends in an hour.  
Recreate outreach reminders when the outreach status changes from pending to active Configure Luma to delete and recreate outstanding outreach reminders when an outreach’s status changes from Active to Pending and then back to Active so that reminders go out at an accurate cadence.

Training and Documentation Materials

Feature Feature definition
Help Center The Help Center is Luma’s online library for self-service support content. Users can access the Help Center directly from within their Luma account. From within the Help Center, users can submit tickets to Luma Support for additional assistance.
Luma U Luma U is your home for Luma education. There are two learning tracks in Luma U – one for sub-account users and one for managers and administrators. Users can access Luma U directly from within their Luma account.

EHR Configurations

Feature Feature definition
Import outreaches from your EHR into Luma Luma automatically syncs outreaches from your EHR into your Luma account. 

Patient Feedback

If you have any questions about these product specifications, please reach out to 

With Patient Feedback, Luma automatically sends surveys to patients after certain appointments, asking them to rate their experience on a scale of 0-10. Using NPS grading metrics, Luma then sends the patient either a public review link (for positive responses rated 8-10) or a private post-visit survey link (for negative or neutral responses rated 0-7). Feedback helps drive promoters to leave public reviews, while allowing detractors to share their thoughts privately on what could improve their visit experience.

The functionality described in this document is native functionality available within Luma. Any functionality or capabilities that your organization might want or need that isn’t outlined here may be subject to a Statement of Work. For more information, refer to the Statement of Work document. 

Core Functionality 

These features are on by default in your Luma account. Some of these features can optionally be configured based on your organization’s needs.

If your organization integrates Luma with your EHR, Luma can send feedback requests based on when the patient’s last applicable appointment was scheduled in your EHR. Integration also makes it possible to include or exclude certain appointments based on scheduling resources used for the appointment, including providers, facilities, and appointment types.

Please note that certain syncing methods, such as Secure File Transfer Protocol, may require a Statement of Work. For more information, refer to the Statement of Work document. 


Feature  Description
Send a feedback message after an appointment Luma automatically sends a feedback request after every appointment. 

Optionally, you can customize the frequency of feedback requests by choosing how many visits must occur for a patient before they receive a feedback request. 

Send feedback messages using pre-written standard message templates Use pre-written, standardized message templates to send feedback requests to patients. Luma provides these message templates in English, as well as over 30 additional languages.
Limit the number of feedback requests a patient receives per year Luma sends a limited number of feedback requests to a given patient within a 365-day range to help reduce the likelihood of feedback fatigue. 

Optionally, you can customize the maximum number of feedback requests Luma sends to patients within a 365-day range.

Send a follow-up message based on a patient’s feedback score After a patient responds to a feedback request with a numeric score, Luma automatically sends a follow-up message with either a public review link (for positive responses rated 8-10) or a private post-visit survey link (for negative or neutral responses rated 0-7). Luma sends links to review sites and surveys of your choosing.
Standard reporting Use standard reports available from Luma to understand how your patient population interacts with feedback requests from your organization.

Additional Configurable Functionality

The following features are off by default in a Luma account and can be configured for organizations that would benefit from these features.

Feature  Description
Send Feedback Requests at a Set Time Enable Luma to send all feedback requests to all patients at a specific time each day.
Delay feedback message delivery  Enable Luma to delay sending a feedback request to a patient until a certain number of minutes have passed after the end of the patient’s appointment.
Limit feedback requests for patients with multiple appointments in a day For patients with multiple appointments in a single day, you can configure Luma to send feedback requests only for the first appointment of the day.

Training and Documentation Materials

Feature Feature definition
Help Center The Help Center is Luma’s online library for self-service support content. Users can access the Help Center directly from within their Luma account. From within the Help Center, users can submit tickets to Luma Support for additional assistance.
Luma U Luma U is your home for Luma education. There are two learning tracks in Luma U – one for sub-account users and one for managers and administrators. Users can access Luma U directly from within their Luma account.


EHR Configurations

Feature Feature definition
Map no-show status values Specify which appointment status codes from your system should be interpreted as no-shows during synchronization.

Patient-Initiated Texting

If you have any questions about these product specifications, please reach out to 

Patient-Initiated Texting allows patients to start text conversations with your clinic, including new patients who have had no prior communication with your organization through Luma Health. When a patient sends your organization a message using patient-initiated texting, the message is forwarded to the Hub for your teams to review. All patient-initiated chats start in the Unassigned category in the Hub.

The functionality described in this document is native functionality available within Luma. Any functionality or capabilities that your organization might want or need that isn’t outlined here may be subject to a Statement of Work. For more information, refer to the Statement of Work document. 

Core Functionality 

These features are on by default in your Luma account. Some of these features can optionally be configured based on your organization’s needs.

Please note that certain syncing methods, such as Secure File Transfer Protocol, may require a Statement of Work. For more information, refer to the Statement of Work document. 


Feature  Description
Enable Patient Initiated Texting  Allow patients to start text conversations with your clinic, including new patients who have had no prior communication with your organization through Luma Health. 
Receive patient-initiated chats in the Hub Patient-initiated chats appear in the Unassigned queue of the hub, where staff can review and assign the message as needed.
Configure the number that patients text when sending a message through patient-initiated texting. You can configure patient-initiated texting to use a toll-free number, your clinic’s number, or another number you choose. If your organization wants to use a 10DLC number for patient-initiated texting, you must register for Application-to-Person (A2P) messaging.

Additional Configurable Functionality

The following features are off by default in a Luma account and can be configured for organizations that would benefit from these features.

Feature  Description
Enable patient identity verification Luma asks for information to help identify the patient. If Luma can’t identify the patient from the received information, or the information doesn’t match any existing patient profile, Luma assigns the patient a randomized placeholder profile. Staff can then accept the chat and verify the patient’s identity.
Configure message shortcuts for responding to patient-initiated messages Create custom message shortcuts that users can leverage to quickly respond to patient-initiated texts.

Training and Documentation Materials

Feature Feature definition
Help Center The Help Center is Luma’s online library for self-service support content. Users can access the Help Center directly from within their Luma account. From within the Help Center, users can submit tickets to Luma Support for additional assistance.


Patient Scheduling+

If you have any questions about these product specifications, please reach out to 

Patient Scheduling+ uses the Digital Forms framework to guide patients through the scheduling process.  As patients respond to the questions in your form, Luma Health determines which appointments meet patients’ needs so that patients see the appropriate open appointments for scheduling. 

The functionality described in this document is native functionality available within Luma. Any functionality or capabilities that your organization might want or need that isn’t outlined here may be subject to a Statement of Work. For more information, refer to the Statement of Work document. 

Core Functionality 

These features are on by default in your Luma account. Some of these features can optionally be configured based on your organization’s needs.

Patient Scheduling+ Forms

If your organization integrates Luma with your EHR, then Luma can create scheduled appointments in your EHR. Luma can also read the patient’s appointment history, PCP, and other fields in the chart to assist with proper scheduling workflow. With some EHR integrations, Luma can also create new patient records.

Please note that certain syncing methods, such as Secure File Transfer Protocol, may require a Statement of Work. For more information, refer to the Statement of Work document. 


Feature  Description
Configure Patient Scheduling+ forms Use the Form Builder to create patient forms, including pre-scheduling forms, using Luma’s templates or building from scratch. With Form Builder, you can create custom pre-scheduling forms that guide patients through booking appointments, intake forms to collect information prior to appointments, feedback forms to gather patient feedback, and Consolidated Clinical Document Architecture forms that can be sent back to your EHR.
Reporting Access to in-app reporting for Patient Scheduling+ Forms and Appointments. Custom reports may also be available and may require a Statement of Work. 

Web Scheduler

Feature Description
Sort open appointments by ZIP code in the Web Scheduler Configure ZIP code questions in your scheduling form so that all open appointments are sorted by distance to the patient’s ZIP code when the Web Scheduler opens
Configure how many hours are skipped before showing same-day availabilities in the Web Scheduler When allowing patients to schedule same-day appointments in the Web Scheduler, configure a lead time that indicates how much time must be skipped between the current time and the first available appointment for scheduling.
Configure how many days are visible in the Web Scheduler Choose how many days of open appointments a patient can see when choosing an appointment in the Web Scheduler.
Show filters in the Web Scheduler Configure your account so that when a patient requests an appointment through the Web Scheduler, they are able to use filters to view open appointments specifically for particular providers or facilities, as well as facilities close to their zipcode.

Optionally, preconfigure which resources appear from the provider and facility filters so that patients can see appointments only that match the criteria your organizations chooses to show.

Determine whether a provider appears on the Web Scheduler Determines whether a provider is accepting new appointments in Luma. Luma doesn’t show any open appointments for a provider when this field is set to No.
Modify the profile that appears for the provider on the Web Scheduler Customize how provider profiles appear in the Web Scheduler with names.

General Scheduling Configuration

Feature Description
Modify availability blocks for practice resources Control which practice resources appear based on the blocks of time when those resources are available.
Configure scheduler links to expire after a single use Configure scheduler links to expire after patients use them to book an appointment.
Configure a minimum interval for scheduling appointments of the same type Prevent patients from scheduling appointments of the same type too close together.

Additional Configurable Functionality

The following features are off by default in a Luma account and can be configured for organizations that would benefit from these features.

Durations and Availabilities

Feature  Description
Show all available time slots, regardless of whether they match the appointment duration Enable all available time slots to appear in the Web Scheduler, regardless of whether they match the scheduled appointment duration.
Allow appointment durations to override provider availabilities when scheduling appointments Allow an appointment type’s duration to override a provider’s availability when scheduling an appointment in the Web Scheduler.
Merge smaller time slots into larger open appointments based on appointment type Configure Luma so that multiple smaller time slots are presented to patients as larger available open appointments based on the appointment type and required duration that the patient needs for the appointment they’re trying to schedule. 
Merge short sequential appointments of the same type Configure your account so that short, sequential open appointments of the same appointment type can appear as single, longer available appointments in the Web Scheduler.
Override the number of days allowed to appear on the Web Scheduler for appointments with set intervals For appointments with a set interval that limits how soon a patient can schedule their next appointment, enable Luma to respect that interval when showing appointments, even if it requires overriding the limit your organization has set on how many days to show in the Web Schedule.

Time Zones and Distances

Feature  Description
Allow patients to schedule appointments located only within a certain distance Restrict patients to schedule appointments only within a set distance from their location.
Configure time zones in the Web Scheduler Choose whether open appointments appear in the Web Scheduler based on your organization’s root account or facility timezone, or a patient’s timezone.

Web Scheduler Widget

Feature  Description
Add a Web Scheduler widget to your organization’s website Configure a widget on your website that, when patients click it, opens the Web Scheduler. 
Require a patient’s email address when scheduling in the widget Require patients to provide an email address when scheduling appointments in the Web Scheduler widget.
Determine how many appointments appear when opening the widget Configure the maximum number of available appointments to show when a patient opens the Web Scheduler widget.

Additional Scheduling Features

Feature  Description
Add a Patient Scheduling+ form to your organization’s website Add a PS+ form’s URL to your website, making the form publicly accessible for anybody who visits your website.
Use practice resource parameters directly in a form URL for quick filtering Embed practice resource parameters directly in the URL of a Patient Scheduling+ form to create resource-specific filters.
Hide provider details from the Web Scheduler Hide a provider’s details when a patient is scheduling an appointment using the Web Scheduler
Require patients to provide an email address when scheduling an appointment in the Web Scheduler Require patients to provide an email address when scheduling appointments in the Web Scheduler.
Allow patients to use any contact method to verify their identity Configure your account so that patients can use any contact method currently listed in their Patient Profile for two-factor authentication.
Generate a QR Code for check-in Show a QR code on the appointment confirmation screen. 
Mark pending appointment offers as failed when scheduling is unsuccessful Organizations that use Waitlist can configure a custom action to automatically mark Pending appointment offers as Failed if they have not changed to a status of Booked or BookedPending after two hours.

Training and Documentation Materials

Feature Feature definition
Help Center The Help Center is Luma’s online library for self-service support content. Users can access the Help Center directly from within their Luma account. From within the Help Center, users can submit tickets to Luma Support for additional assistance.
Luma U Luma U is your home for Luma education. There are two learning tracks in Luma U – one for sub-account users and one for managers and administrators. Users can access Luma U directly from within their Luma account.

EHR Configurations

Feature Feature definition
Patient Matching and Patient Verification Luma matches and verifies patients during the Patient Scheduling+ workflow using their first name, last name, and date of birth. New patients can create a profile through this verification process, while existing patients are verified via a code sent to their contact number on file.
Show a badge beside a patient’s primary care provider on the web scheduler Configure the Web Scheduler to show a badge indicating the patient's primary care provider, as recorded in their EHR profile. This feature helps patients easily locate and select upcoming appointments with their primary provider, supporting continuity of care.
Allow new patients to schedule appointments online Configure Luma to allow new patients to schedule appointments by providing basic information, which is stored temporarily in Luma Health using a placeholder profile until staff create a full patient chart in the EHR.
Allow Luma Health to create a new patient in your EHR Configure Luma so that if a new patient schedules an appointment with your organization, Lumca can create new patient profiles in your EHR when new patients schedule appointments, rather than using a placeholder profile that staff must manually replace.
Enable Linked appointments in your account Configure Luma to allow linked appointments so that new and returning patients can create an initial and follow-up appointment, all within one scheduling session.
Appointment notes pushback Enable Luma to push patient answers from Patient Scheduling+ form questions back to the EHR appointment notes when the appointment is booked.
Sync available appointments when cancellations are present Configure Luma so that when an appointment slot has both an available appointment and a cancellation, Luma syncs in the available appointment to your schedule in your Luma account.
Use form answers to populate the Reason field in appointments scheduled in your EHR Configure Luma to use patient responses from Patient Scheduling+ forms to populate the Reason field in appointments scheduled in your EHR.
Treat certain statuses as a final state Configure Luma to identify certain appointment statuses as “final” statuses, meaning that Luma should not change the status of the appointment in your EHR any further regardless of any status changes that occur in your Luma account. 
Import Luma scheduling information into your progress note Configure Luma to push a given answer from a Patient Scheduling+ form into the Chief Complaint field in your EHR’s progress note.
Exclude appointments with a null appointment type from the Web Scheduler  Configure Luma to exclude null appointment types from the Web Scheduler so patients can’t schedule into those appointments. 
Prevent appointments from changing status from arrived to confirmed Configure Luma to prevent appointments marked as Arrived from reverting to Confirmed status. 
Mark appointments as canceled for no shows regardless of whether there’s an arrived time Configure Luma so that even if an appointment has an Arrived Time set in your EHR, Luma Health ignores the arrived time and considers the appointment as a cancellation if the patient is a no show.
Block inactive patients from accessing Patient Scheduling+ forms Configure Luma so that when a patient’s profile is marked as Inactive in your EHR, the patient cannot self-schedule using a PatientScheduling+ form from your organization. 
Ignore deleted patients when matching profiles from your EHR Configure Luma to ignore deleted patients when looking for matching patients in Luma Health.
Map custom appointment statuses in your EHR to appointment statuses in Luma Configure Luma to match certain appointment statuses from your EHR to specific appointment statuses in Luma.
Process open schedule slots (whitespace) Enable Luma to look for empty slots (whitespace) in your schedule during regular system updates. This helps build a more complete view of when appointments are available.
Set up open slot (whitespace) types Tell Luma which types of appointments should be shown as open slots (whitespace) instead of booked appointments. You'll need to provide a list of these appointment types with separators between them.
Include appointment types for open slots (whitespace) Allow Luma to show what kind of appointment can be booked in each open slot (whitespace). This helps match patients with the right kind of available appointment.
Configure appointment status update values Define the specific status codes Luma uses when sending updates to your system. When updating appointment states to canceled, confirmed, or arrived, Luma will use these designated codes in your records. 
Configure new appointment status codes Define the specific status code Luma assigns to newly created appointments. While appointments default to PEN status, this setting allows customization of the initial status code used when Luma creates appointments through Patient Scheduling or other booking methods.
Configure provider source locations Specify where Luma retrieves provider information from your database. Choose to pull data from the USERS table, DOCTORS table, or both tables simultaneously. 
Import whitespace Specify whether Luma should gather additional scheduling data to create a complete view of available appointment times. 
Configure confirmation updates Specify whether Luma should send appointment confirmation updates to your system. When disabled, patient confirmations in Luma will not update appointment status in your scheduling system. By default, Luma automatically syncs confirmation status between systems.
Avoid creating conflicting appointments for listed appointment types When creating an appointment, configure Luma to verify whether another appointment already exists for the same resource or provider and facility. 
Configure Luma to respect exceptions in your EHR schedule Configure Luma to respect exceptions in your EHR schedule, such as modified working hours or exceptions based on practice resource.

Referral Management

If you have any questions about these product specifications, please reach out to 

With Inbound Referrals, Luma automatically sends referred patients reminders to schedule an appointment. Luma can track which patients have scheduled their appointments and whether the patient never followed up on a referral reminder. Inbound Referrals automates the referral process, saving staff time and acquiring new patients for your organization.

The functionality described in this document is native functionality available within Luma. Any functionality or capabilities that your organization might want or need that isn’t outlined here may be subject to a Statement of Work. For more information, refer to the Statement of Work document. 

Core Functionality 

These features are on by default in your Luma account. Some of these features can optionally be configured based on your organization’s needs.

Create and Modify Referrals

If your organization integrates Luma with your EHR, then Luma can regularly sync referral details from your EHR into your Luma account. Luma recommends this as a best practice so that your staff doesn’t have to manually create and modify referrals on a regular basis. Please note that certain syncing methods, such as Secure File Transfer Protocol, may require a Statement of Work. For more information, refer to the Statement of Work document. 


Feature  Description
Referrals dashboard Review a filterable dashboard for high-level information about referrals.
Add a single inbound referral Manually create an individual inbound referral.
Modify a single inbound referral’s status Manually change the status of an individual inbound referral.
Add inbound referrals via a bulk upload Manually create inbound referrals in bulk by uploading a CSV file. 
Modify inbound referrals’ statuses in bulk Manually change the status of individual inbound referrals in bulk in your Luma account. Referral status changes are not written back into your EHR.
Share an online patient referral form with referring providers Share an online form with external providers who refer patients to your organization so that referral information appears directly in your Luma account for review and approval by your staff. 
Upload referring providers in bulk With Luma Support, upload referring providers into your Luma account so you don’t have to manually create each individual provider.

Send Referral Reminders

Feature Description
Send referral messages using pre-written standard message templates Use pre-written, standardized message templates to send referral reminder messages to patients. Luma provides these message templates in English, as well as over 30 additional languages.
Automatically send referral reminders to patients Luma automatically sends referral reminders to patients based on a default cadence and during set daytime hours. Luma respects your quiet hours when sending referral reminders, meaning Luma will not send a message during a designated quiet hour. 

You can optionally customize reminder delivery hours as well as the reminder cadence. You can also choose how many reminders Luma sends and whether Luma sends reminders on bank holidays. 

Automatically mark inbound referrals as scheduled Luma automatically marks inbound referrals as scheduled when the patient books their appointment. Luma determines whether an appointment was booked by reviewing your schedule. You can optionally configure how far in the future Luma looks to find booked appointments in your Schedule.

Manage Referrals

Feature Description
Automatically update a referral’s status when a patient calls from a reminder When a patient receives a referral reminder that includes a click-to-call phone number, meaning the patient can tap or click the phone number within the reminder to initiate a call to your organization, Luma automatically updates the referral status to reflect that the patient called your organization as a result of receiving a referral reminder.
Automatically mark a referral as incomplete or expired When a patient doesn’t respond to Luma’s attempts to contact them to schedule an appointment, Luma automatically marks the referral as incomplete after the final unsuccessful attempt. Optionally, you can delay the amount of time that passes before Luma marks a referral as incomplete. 

Luma marks a referral as expired when the date range to deliver referral reminders for the referral record has passed. Optionally, configure Luma to not mark these referrals as expired.

Automatically detect existing patient profiles and match them to synced referrals If you integrate your EHR with Luma, when a referral is synced into your Luma account from your EHR, Luma checks to see if there are any existing patients that match the patient associated with the uploaded referral. If a match is found, Luma associates the uploaded referral with that patient. If a match is not found, Luma creates a new patient and associates the referral to the new patient profile.
Standard reporting Use standard reports available from Luma to understand your patient population’s referral experience.

Additional Configurable Functionality

The following features are off by default in a Luma account and can be configured for organizations that would benefit from these features.

Feature  Description
Reroute inbound referral calls to a facility’s alternative phone number When a patient receives a referral reminder message with a phone number, enable Luma to reroute the inbound call from the patient to the facility’s alternative phone number when dialed directly from the referral reminder message. 
Mark referrals as scheduled if scheduled with a different provider If a patient is scheduled with a different provider than indicated on the referral, enable Luma to automatically mark the referral as Scheduled.
Automatically fax updates to a referring provider Enable Luma to automatically send faxed updates to referring providers about their patient’s journey with your practice, such as when a patient schedules or cancels their referral. You can also determine whether the patient’s communication history with your organization should be included in follow-up faxes. 
Stagger referral messages throughout the day Configure Luma to stagger the initial referral messages sent to patients throughout the day to reduce the number of calls that come into your front office simultaneously. You can also control how many referral reminders Luma sends in an hour.  
Recreate referral reminders when the referral’s status changes from pending to active Configure Luma to delete and recreate outstanding referral reminders when a referral’s status changes from Active to Pending and then back to Active so that reminders go out at an accurate cadence.

Training and Documentation Materials

Feature Feature definition
Help Center The Help Center is Luma’s online library for self-service support content. Users can access the Help Center directly from within their Luma account. From within the Help Center, users can submit tickets to Luma Support for additional assistance.
Luma U Luma U is your home for Luma education. There are two learning tracks in Luma U – one for sub-account users and one for managers and administrators. Users can access Luma U directly from within their Luma account.

EHR Configurations

Feature Feature definition
Import referrals from your EHR into Luma Luma automatically syncs referrals from your EHR into your Luma account.
Map custom EHR statuses as Scheduled Enable Luma to interpret specific EHR referral statuses as Scheduled when applying them as a status within Luma.
Force provider ID lookup from users table Enable Luma to retrieve receiving provider IDs exclusively from the users table during referral processing, overriding standard provider resource settings.
Ignore resource requirements for referrals Enable Luma to process referrals without validating resource field requirements.
Exclude NPI when matching referring providers Enable Luma to use provider IDs instead of NPI numbers when matching referring providers during referral syncs from your EHR.
Set referral type parent question ID Enable Luma to retrieve visit types using a specified parent ID when querying the structured data detail table.


If you have any questions about these product specifications, please reach out to 

When a patient can no longer make a scheduled appointment, use Luma’s Reschedule functionality to give patients the power to reschedule that appointment without having to reach out to your office staff. With Reschedule, patients can respond to an actionable SMS reminder to indicate that they want to reschedule their appointment. They then receive a list of available appointment options to choose from. After the patient chooses their new appointment time, Luma cancels the original appointment and books the new appointment

The functionality described in this document is native functionality available within Luma. Any functionality or capabilities that your organization might want or need that isn’t outlined here may be subject to a Statement of Work. For more information, refer to the Statement of Work document. 

Core Functionality 

These features are on by default in your Luma account. Some of these features can optionally be configured based on your organization’s needs.

Feature  Description
Send patients up to three available options for rescheduling After a patient responds to an SMS reminder with the keyword RESCHEDULE, Luma sends the patient a list of up to 3 available appointment times to choose from. By default, Luma sends only appointments that match the appointment type of the appointment the patient is attempting to reschedule.
Manage rescheduling when an appointment is no longer available If a patient selects a reschedule option that’s no longer available, Luma offers the option to restart the reschedule workflow. Luma allows this workflow to restart up to three times. If a patient can’t reschedule after three attempts, Luma informs them that no matching appointments are available, their original appointment is unchanged, and prompts them to contact your organization.
Manage rescheduling when no other matching appointments are available If a patient responds to an appointment reminder to reschedule but no other matching appointments are available, Luma informs the patient that the appointment cannot be rescheduled and prompts them to call your organization.
Schedule appointments directly in your EHR If a reschedule option is available and a patient selects it, Luma will create the new appointment in the EHR, cancel the old one, mark it as “Rescheduled,” and notify the patient.

If Luma can’t successfully book the rescheduled appointment in the EHR, Luma sends the patient a message indicating the appointment cannot be confirmed, the original appointment is unchanged, and prompts the patient to contact your office.

Manage the ability to reschedule at the practice resource level Enable or disable rescheduling at the facility, appointment type, and provider level to determine which resources should support the ability for patients to reschedule their own appointments.
Remove rescheduled appointments from the EHR schedule After rescheduling an appointment in your EHR, Luma deletes the original appointment from your EHR schedule.

Additional Configurable Functionality

The following features are off by default in a Luma account and can be configured for organizations that would benefit from these features.

Feature Description
Send patients a link for rescheduling rather than a list of available appointments If the patient cancels their original appointment via SMS response Luma can include a URL in an SMS message to allow patients to book a new appointment. 
Configure self-schedule links to expire after use Configure a self-schedule link to expire after a patient uses it to reschedule an appointment, so that the patient doesn’t use the link to book another appointment.
Configure how many days are visible in the web scheduler when rescheduling Set a different availability window in the Web Scheduler specifically for when patients are using the Web Scheduler for the rescheduling workflow.
Allow patients to book appointments with no appointment type during reschedule Show patients available appointments that don’t have an associated appointment type when patients are rescheduling via SMS, so that Luma has more options available when showing patients rescheduling options.
Configure how long reschedule offers remain valid Configure how long a reschedule offer is valid before it expires. 
Configure intervals for reschedule appointment offers Configure how much time must exist between the start time of each offer included in the reschedule offers that Luma sends to a patient. For example, configuring a 60 minute gap in start times means that for an afternoon with open appointments every 15 minutes, Luma shows three options that each have an hour between them.
Configure an additional check to ensure rescheduled appointments are deleted from your schedule  Configure Luma to conduct a secondary check to ensure rescheduled appointments are deleted from the schedule in the EHR. 
Modify the appointments available to patients in the reschedule workflow Configure Luma to show patients only appointments that are available due to cancellations.
Increase the number of appointments shown in the Web Scheduler for rescheduling  Configure Luma to sync a larger number of available appointments from your EHR to appear in the Web Scheduler when patients are rescheduling an appointment.
Allow rescheduled appointments to match only on appointment type  Configure Luma to allow patients to choose an available appointment that matches only on appointment type, and not on provider and facility.
Standard reporting Use standard reports available from Luma to understand your patient population’s recall experience.

Training and Documentation Materials

Feature Feature definition
Help Center The Help Center is Luma’s online library for self-service support content. Users can access the Help Center directly from within their Luma account. From within the Help Center, users can submit tickets to Luma Support for additional assistance.
Luma U Luma U is your home for Luma education. There are two learning tracks in Luma U – one for sub-account users and one for managers and administrators. Users can access Luma U directly from within their Luma account.

EHR Configurations

Feature Feature definition
Record detailed rescheduling messages in EHR Enable Luma to write comprehensive rescheduling information to your EHR's messaging system, including new provider, facility, appointment type, and scheduled time. 

Schedule with Google

If you have any questions about these product specifications, please reach out to 

Luma’s Schedule with Google feature connects Luma’s scheduling functionality to your Google Business Profile via your EHR. Your organization must be licensed for Luma’s Patient Scheduling+ product to use this feature.

The functionality described in this document is native functionality available within Luma. Any functionality or capabilities that your organization might want or need that isn’t outlined here may be subject to a Statement of Work. For more information, refer to the Statement of Work document. 

Core Functionality 

These features are on by default in your Luma account. Some of these features can optionally be configured based on your organization’s needs.

If your organization integrates Luma with your EHR, then Luma allows new and existing patients to schedule appointments with your organization directly from Google. With Schedule with Google, you can broaden your reach to new patients and further reduce the barrier to scheduling an appointment. New patients don’t have to navigate your website or call your office to schedule an appointment, and Luma can capture their information so that your staff can focus on other tasks.

Please note that certain syncing methods, such as Secure File Transfer Protocol, may require a Statement of Work. For more information, refer to the Statement of Work document. 


Feature  Description
Choose the appointment types that Schedule with Google is enabled for Choose which types of appointments patients can schedule using Schedule with Google.
Choose the providers that Schedule with Google is enabled for  Choose which providers patients can schedule appointments with using Schedule with Google.
Choose the locations that Schedule with Google is enabled for  Choose which facilities patients can schedule appointments at using Schedule with Google.
Send available appointments to Google every hour Every hour, Luma sends your available appointment data to Google. If your Luma account is configured to allow patients to schedule appointments in a slot that was made available due to a cancellation, these open appointments are also included in the upload to Google. Luma also sends a list of your practice resources to Google once per day and includes the availability of those resources for the next 14 days. 

Training and Documentation Materials

Feature Feature definition
Help Center The Help Center is Luma’s online library for self-service support content. Users can access the Help Center directly from within their Luma account. From within the Help Center, users can submit tickets to Luma Support for additional assistance.
Luma U Luma U is your home for Luma education. There are two learning tracks in Luma U – one for sub-account users and one for managers and administrators. Users can access Luma U directly from within their Luma account.

Smart Waitlist

If you have any questions about these product specifications, please reach out to 

Waitlists help give patients the opportunity to get an earlier appointment when a slot becomes available due to cancellations. When an appointment slot becomes available, Luma sends offers to patients based on criteria that you configure. With a variety of ways to customize how Waitlist works for your organization, you’ll be able to “set it and forget it” and let Luma do the work of helping to get patients the care they need, sooner.

The functionality described in this document is native functionality available within Luma. Any functionality or capabilities that your organization might want or need that isn’t outlined here may be subject to a Statement of Work. For more information, refer to the Statement of Work document. 

Core Functionality 

These features are on by default in your Luma account. Some of these features can optionally be configured based on your organization’s needs.

Waitlist Management

If your organization integrates Luma with your EHR, then you can configure your account so that patients can add themself to the waitlist via SMS. 

Please note that certain syncing methods, such as Secure File Transfer Protocol, may require a Statement of Work. For more information, refer to the Statement of Work document. 


Feature  Description
Waitlist dashboard Review a filterable dashboard for high-level information about waitlists for each provider in your account.
View a history of all waitlist offers in your account View a list of all offers that have been sent to patients on the waitlist, as well as the status of those offers.
View a history of all waitlist offers for a particular patient View a list of all waitlist offers a particular patient has received, as well as the status of those offers.
Manually send waitlist offers to patients Manually push out waitlist offers when needed.
Automatically send offers to patients on the waitlist Luma automatically attempts to fill an open slot on your schedule when a patient cancels an appointment. By default, Luma sends offers simultaneously to all patients on the waitlist. Optionally, you can configure Luma to send offers to one patient at a time, giving each patient an opportunity to accept or decline the offer before the next patient is notified.
Send waitlist offers using pre-written standard message templates Use pre-written, standardized message templates to send waitlist offers to patients. Luma provides these message templates in English, as well as over 30 additional languages.
Track active waitlist offers Track an open slot that is actively being offered to patients, including which appointment is being offered and how much time is left for patients to respond to the waitlist offer. 
Double-book in patient-canceled appointments If an appointment slot is double-booked and one of the patients cancels, Luma automatically uses the waitlist to attempt to refill the slot and double-book the appointment again. Optionally, you can disable this functionality.
Determine how many minutes pass before a waitlist offer expires  When a patient receives a waitlist offer, they have 30 minutes to respond to it. Optionally, you can configure Luma to give a patient more or less time to accept the offer.

Add Patients to the Waitlist

Feature  Description
Add a single patient to the waitlist Manually add individual patients to the waitlist. 
Add patients to the waitlist in bulk  From the Patient List, manually add patients to the waitlist in bulk. Or, upload a file via SFTP to add multiple patients to the waitlist at once. 
Modify an existing waitlist entry Modify the parameters of an existing waitlist entry from within the Waitlists dashboard.
Automatically give patients the option to join the waitlist Luma automatically gives patients the option to join the waitlist when they cancel their appointments through a reminder message, or if an appointment was canceled through your EHR. 

Optionally, you can choose to have Luma automatically invite patients to the waitlist only when a patient cancels via reminder, only when the cancellation comes from the EHR, or never.

Remove Patients from the Waitlist

Patients are automatically removed from the waitlist when they accept a waitlist offer. If a patient has added themselves to the waitlist, for example because they canceled a scheduled appointment, they are automatically removed after 30 days by default. This can be modified as described in the Determine How Long a Patient Remains on the Waitlist article. Patients also have the option to leave the waitlist at any time by responding to a waitlist message with the phrase LEAVEWAITLIST. Staff can also remove patients from the waitlist manually as needed.

Feature Description
Remove a single patient from the waitlist Manually remove a patient from the waitlist.
Remove patients from the waitlist in bulk Manually remove multiple patients from the waitlist.
Patients can remove themselves from the waitlist via SMS Patients can remove themselves from the waitlist by replying to an SMS waitlist offer using certain keywords.
Automatically remove patients from the waitlist after 30 unaccepted offers If a patient hasn’t accepted a waitlist offer after receiving 30 individual offers, Luma removes them from from the waitlist and their waitlist entry is marked as incomplete.

Additional Configurable Functionality

The following features are off by default in a Luma account and can be configured for organizations that would benefit from these features.

Waitlist Offer Timing

Feature  Description
Configure how much time must pass after accepting an offer before a patient can receive another waitlist offer When a patient accepts a waitlist appointment offer, they cannot receive another offer for 7 days. Optionally, you can configure Luma to adjust or remove this waiting time. 
Configure what time Luma sends waitlist offers to patients When an appointment becomes available at your facility, Luma automatically sends offers to patients on the waitlist to fill the cancellation. Optionally, you can configure waitlist offers to delay sending until after business hours. Configure Luma to begin sending offers at a set time every day or choose different times for weekdays and weekends. Note that this functionality still respects any configured quiet hours.
Don’t limit how close together availabilities can be when sending waitlist offers If a patient receives a waitlist offer for an appointment, Luma doesn’t send offers to the same patient for any other appointment that occurs within 92 minutes of the start time of the appointment that was originally offered. Optionally, you can configure Luma  so that Luma can send a patient multiple offers regardless of how close together the available appointments are. 
Configure how far ahead of a scheduled appointment a cancellation can occur for Luma Health to fill the slot using the waitlist Luma tries to fill an appointment that’s canceled at least 120 minutes before the appointment time. Optionally, you can set the minimum number of minutes and maximum days ahead of an appointment that a patient must cancel to trigger the waitlist.
Don’t send waitlist offers on the weekend Luma can send waitlist offers on weekends. Optionally, you can configure Luma to not send waitlist offers on weekends.

Appointment Matching

Feature  Description
Determine whether a waitlist offer must match the details of a currently scheduled appointment Luma sends a patient an offer only if the provider and facility of the open slot match the provider and facility of the patient’s current appointment. Optionally, you can configure the waitlist to match patients with open slots even if the appointment is with a different provider or at a different facility.
Configure whether waitlist offers must match previously scheduled appointments  When a patient cancels an appointment and is added to the waitlist, they must wait for an equivalent appointment to become available. That appointment must match criteria such as appointment type and facility type. Optionally, you can configure to what degree an appointment’s criteria must match for a patient to receive a waitlist offer to book the appointment.
Require the waitlist to send offers based on matching appointment types Luma doesn’t require that patients be waiting on an appointment of a particular type to receive an offer for a given open slot on the schedule. Optionally, if your organization prefers to only fill canceled slots with appointments of the same type, you can configure Luma to do so.

Additional Waitlist Configurations

Feature  Description
Determine which patients on the waitlist receive offers first Luma sends the first offers to patients who have been on the waitlist the longest. Optionally, you can configure Luma to send offers to the patients who were most recently added. 
Don’t require office staff to approve accepted waitlist offers  Luma requires your office staff to approve waitlist offers accepted by patients. Optionally, you can disable this requirement.
Set a default appointment duration for new waitlist entries You can configure a default appointment duration for all new waitlist entries.
Require patients to have a future appointment before adding them to the waitlist You can configure Luma to add patients to the waitlist only if they already have a future appointment scheduled.
Automatically cancel a future appointment when a patient accepts a waitlist offer  Luma automatically cancels a future scheduled appointment when a patient accepts a waitlist offer for an earlier appointment. Optionally, you can disable this functionality.
Send patients an offer to join the waitlist based on their scheduled appointments  Configure Luma to automatically send patients an offer to join the waitlist based on their scheduled appointment. 
Give Luma another opportunity to fill open spots after completing all waitlist attempts You can configure Luma so that, if Luma contacts all eligible patients on the waitlist but still doesn’t locate a patient who can accept an open slot on your schedule, Luma can try to fill the empty space once more before the appointment time passes.
Don’t send patients a message when they’re added to the waitlist  When Luma adds a patient to the waitlist, Luma also sends the patient a message confirming they’ve been added to the waitlist. Optionally, you can turn off this confirmation message.

Training and Documentation Materials

Feature Feature definition
Help Center The Help Center is Luma’s online library for self-service support content. Users can access the Help Center directly from within their Luma account. From within the Help Center, users can submit tickets to Luma Support for additional assistance.
Luma U Luma U is your home for Luma education. There are two learning tracks in Luma U – one for sub-account users and one for managers and administrators. Users can access Luma U directly from within their Luma account.


Waiting Room

If you have any questions about these product specifications, please reach out to 

Waiting Room makes it easy for your practice to reduce the traffic inside your physical waiting room, track the status of patients with upcoming appointments, and manage patients as they arrive. 

The functionality described in this document is native functionality available within Luma. Any functionality or capabilities that your organization might want or need that isn’t outlined here may be subject to a Statement of Work. For more information, refer to the Statement of Work document. 

Core Functionality 

These features are on by default in your Luma account. Some of these features can optionally be configured based on your organization’s needs.

If your organization integrates Luma with your EHR, then Luma can sync in status of patient to your EHR 

Please note that certain syncing methods, such as Secure File Transfer Protocol, may require a Statement of Work. For more information, refer to the Statement of Work document. 


Feature Description
Dashboard Review a filterable dashboard to keep track of patients as they move through the Waiting Room.
Send patients instructions for their arrival to your organization Thirty minutes before an appointment, Luma sends patients a custom action message with instructions for letting your organization know when the patient has arrived. Patients who receive SMS reminders are prompted to reply when they have arrived for their appointment. Patients who receive an email see a message with a link to click that marks them as Arrived.
Automatically move patients to the Arrived section of the Waiting Room After a patient confirms they have arrived, Luma automatically moves the patient to the Arrived section of Waiting Room. 
Send messages to patients Staff can jump from the Waiting Room to the Patient Profile to communicate with patients.
Manually mark patients as Checked In Staff can manually mark a patient as Checked In when all pre-appointment tasks are complete. 
View the Waiting Room by facility View patients in the waiting room based on the facility associated with their appointment.
Manually add patients to the Waiting Room Staff can manually add a patient and their appointment to the Waiting Room.

Additional Configurable Functionality

The following features are off by default in a Luma account and can be configured for organizations that would benefit from these features.

Training and Documentation Materials

Feature Feature definition
Help Center The Help Center is Luma’s online library for self-service support content. Users can access the Help Center directly from within their Luma account. From within the Help Center, users can submit tickets to Luma Support for additional assistance.