Level up your learning with Luma experts

Navigator empowers patients to self-serve with the guided experience of a customer service agent. It brings deep contextual understanding to voice conversations, intelligently switching to SMS, switching languages, handing over to staff, and even following up on dropped calls.

Transform manual workflows and electronic faxes into faster care for patients and click-to-verify ease for staff. Fax Transform completes manual steps behind the scenes in seconds, parsing discrete data and classifying faxes with Luma’s AI capabilities, Spark.

Your organization is doing more to care for your community, with fewer staff resources and tighter budgets.
Your technology needs to do more, too. Spark is Luma’s industry-leading AI, infused across the Luma platform to power more efficient, more scalable workflows. Ready to spark better experiences?

— 67% of patients complete forms required for federal reimbursement ahead of visits
— $50K saved annually from appointments rescheduled via Luma
— $58K gained from filled waitlist slots within one year

Want to learn more? Book a quick call with a Luma + Oracle Health expert.

We surveyed 130 Oracle organizations about their patient access processes. The results show that accessing care hasn’t changed much since 1994.

Want to learn more? Book a quick call with a Luma + Oracle Health expert..

Maury Regional Health reduced no-shows by 66% while doubling appointment volume. 

Want to learn more? Book a quick call with a Luma + Oracle Health expert.

Imagine your EHR workflows automatically driving improved reach, access to care, and health outcomes for all your patients and not-yet-patients.

Want to learn more? Book a quick call with a Luma + Oracle Health expert.

Cook County Health manages communication across 300+ locations and 1,500+ providers using Luma.

Want to learn more? Book a quick call with a Luma + Oracle Health expert.

-In two months with Luma, OrthoNebraska patients scheduled more than 900 appointments online.

-92% of overnight stay patients recommend OrthoNebraska via automated requests for feedback – a 20% difference from the national average.

Want to learn more? Book a quick call with a Luma + Oracle Health expert.