Scheduling via phone call or EHR app
Only about 60% of patients will ever access the patient portal, and 50% will download the EHR app. The remaining patients face call center wait times.
Cancellation requires phone call or patient portal login
Up to 27.8% of patients cancel pre-appointment. Rescheduling their visits, and filling the empty slots, requires extensive staff labor to care for the 40-50% of patients not using the portal.
Appointment scheduled by phone, five months away
Research indicates that only about 35% of referrals result in completed appointments. Long delays between appointments, with minimal reminders, contribute to no-shows.
Prescription refill via call center
Research indicates that 13% of callers will hang up on their healthcare provider's call center before even speaking to an agent.
Many patients veered off-course along the way. Of the weary wayfinders who successfully navigated the journey to healthcare, frustration with the process may compel negative reviews or seeking care elsewhere.
Patient needs to schedule with referred specialist.
Patient's schedule changes
Rx refill
Patient needs prescription after their appointment.
Clinic would like to see patient for follow-up care.