Bring in new patients
Luma's AI-native Patient Success Platform™ makes it easier for patients who need care to get to you, and eliminates manual work for your staff.
✓ Outreach for referrals, tickets, orders, and recalls
✓ Patient scheduling (from Google, your website, AI-enabled voice, or SMS)
✓ Automated patient waitlist
✓ Automated reminders (SMS, RCS, voice)
✓ Broadcast/group messaging
✓ Chatbot & AI concierge
✓ Feedback and reputation management
✓ Simple staff checklist
✓ Intake forms & insurance
✓ Eligibility checks
✓ Patient payments
Connect your EHR, RCM, payments, CRM, call center solutions, telehealth, population health system, homegrown tools, and (almost) everything in between.
Director, November 2023
From KLAS Research Survey